美国风俗 医疗健康 技术创新 社会创新


科学百姓 编发 2023.9.25


根据民主党参议员梅南德斯的情况(注1),参议院民主党议员应该全部辞职! 他们都知道发生了什么事,也知道他的生活方式。


与那些偷选(害俺落选)的暴徒相比,梅南德斯不过是一个拙劣小贼而已。 你能想象奸猾的拜登偷了多少东西,以及他的许多幢房产里有什么宝藏吗? 联邦调查局和 “正义部” (注2) 提前通知他,说他们将 “在几周内” 进行调查。 换句话说,就是告诉拜登在我们到达那里之前尽快处理掉现金、黄金和文件。 他们搜查俺时没有给我任何事前警告,而是突然就来了。 亨特和他奸猾的父亲住在特拉华州。 如果不事前通知,执法人员将是一次 “寻宝” 收获! 这对奸猾父子的金库里一定装满了现金。 我想知道他们操纵选举得到了多少钱? 梅南德斯是其中之一,只是一个小人物而已。

每个民主党人都应该辞去参议院职务! 我们的边界被打破,我们的选举被操纵。 玛嘎!(MAGA,是 “让美国重新伟大” 的英文缩写)


Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago, where nothing was done wrong based on the Presidential Records Act. Menendez is a “piker” compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS. Can you imagine how much Crooked Joe Biden has stolen, and what’s in some of his many homes? The FBI and “Justice” notified him that they would be going in to look,“in a few weeks.” In other words, get rid of the cash, gold, & documents, ASAP, before we get there. They didn’t give me any warning, they just showed up. Hunter lived with Crooked Joe in Delaware. It would be a “Treasure Hunt!” Crooked’s coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election? Menendez is one of many, a small timer at that. EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD RESIGN FROM THE SENATE! Our Border’s are Broken, our Election’s are Rigged. MAGA

注1. 朗普指的是美国司法部2023年9月22日以受贿罪名起诉民主党参议员梅南德斯夫妇的新闻

注2. 美国司法部的英文 Department of Justice 的直译是 “正义部”。朗普近年来屡屡把美国司法部说成是 “非正义部”。他在这里用引号称 “正义部”,是他指控司法部不是实施正义的一个表达方式。