THE following is found in the ancient books of China and is handed down to the present time, believed and sanctioned: "The powers that be are ordained of Heaven." Believing in the power of bad as well as of good, the Chinese accept the bad or the good that comes to them. They do not believe in change, and this idea, unmodified, has come down to the people of to-day. I am told that history records few attempts to modify the Chinese form of government — a government that has reached over a far greater period of time than any other system of authority on earth. Surely there must be virtue in a cement that will bind together a great people unbroken through many centuries. Those who know the Chinese best tell me that they are cautious, slow, and conservative ; that they have a sturdy independence of character and a strongly developed love for their rights. They rarely adopt the methods of other people, but reach the same end in their own way. I have already seen much in the Chinese character to respect, and much that, to me, is unattractive and bitter; but I try constantly to keep in mind the fact that there are bitter herbs and poisons to be found in other lands.
As I am here and watch, I do not wonder that the Chinese hate the foreigner. The foreigner is frequently severe and exacting in this Empire which is not his own. He often treats the Chinese as though they were dogs and had no rights whatever — no wonder that they growl and sometimes bite. Would that more of the Christ-spirit could be shown them by these people coming from Christian lands! Neither the " young West," nor "young America," has all in its store of knowledge. Might it not be well to watch and search? Even in the "dark" nations unknown lights might be discovered.
I often liken the intricate system of this great empire to a clock; it has its wheels, great and small, with their many cogs, each doing its own part. Foreigners, ignorant of its mechanism, come along and say, "I don't like that cog; it is objectionable, and I'll remove it." Thus they break into a system that through the centuries has been worked out, and that gives to each wheel its necessary, decisive work. In this breaking of cogs, the whole system is disarranged, and no better one is put in its place.
The will of the Emperor is the final command and the highest officials must obey. They often struggle with their many duties early and late, with scarcely time to eat or sleep. These officials are said to be the hardest- worked people in the Empire. All classes seem to be slowly, but diligently, industrious. As I am with these Chinese and study them, I feel that there is a deep, reserved force in their character that will some day show itself in unknown directions.
The worship of the Chinese ancestors, so far as discovered, is as old as the race, and is the most deeply rooted of all their religious forms. The Chinese make pilgrimages to their tombs twice a year to petition the gods to care for and protect the departed souls of their ancestors. This worship has its virtuous and elevating effect upon these people. They show their parents the greatest respect and consideration while with them, and visit their tombs with a living thought.
原文:Conger, Sarah Pike. 1910. Letters from China : with particular reference to the Empress Dowager and the women of China. p45-46